Convenzioni Ssn

1. All citizens are entitled to one cycle of spa treatment each year paid for by the SSN. To access treatment, simply show up with your family doctor’s prescription complete with pathology, type of treatment to be performed and any exemption for income, age or pathology as per the facsimile below and your health card.
2. Before reporting to the Acceptance Office, make sure you have your Health Card with you.
3. Spa treatments can be taken even without a prescription, as per the price list.
4. Declarations evidencing periods of care are issued at the checkout and reservation counters upon completion of care..
5. Discontinuation of treatment may be made only and exclusively upon the advice of the spa specialist.
6. Frasassi Spa has agreements with INPS – INAIL and SSN for inhalation, balneofangotherapy and rhinogenous deafness treatments.
7. Treatments must be carried out within a maximum time frame of 60 days as per the protocol between the Ministry of Health, the regions, autonomous provinces and Federteme, annexed to the national agreement for the provision of spa services.
The Terme di Frasassi is affiliated with the National Health Service below is the list of pathologies and related course of treatment paid for by the SSN provided for by the Ministerial Decree 15.12.94, “Modification to the list of pathologies that can find real benefit from thermal cures and extension of its validity” that are carried out at the spa:
Osteoarthrosis – Diffuse arthrosis – Cervicoarthrosis – Low back arthrosis – Limb arthrosis – Discopathy without herniation and without irritation or nerve compression symptoms – Outcomes of herniated disc surgery – Cervicalgia of rheumatic origin – Scapulo-orneal periarthritis (excluding acute forms) – Rheumat arthritis. in quiescence – Arthrosis, polyarthrosis, osteoarthrosis (with diffuse or localized osteoporosis) – Outcomes of joint rheumatism – Osteoporosis and other degenerative forms – Periarthritis – Ankylopoietic spondylitis – Spondyloarthrosis and spondylolisthesis.
Extra-articular rheumatism – Inflammatory rheumatism (in quiescence) – Fibrositis of rheumatic origin – Tendinitis of rheumatic origin – Lumbago of rheumatic origin – Fibrositis – Fibromyositis – Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Ciclo Cure Termali
Ciclo di cure fango-balneoterapiche | Composizione: Visita medica di ammissione N. 12 fanghi + N. 12 bagni terapeutici in acqua sulfurea |
Ciclo di cure balneoterapiche | Composizione: Visita medica di ammissione N. 12 bagni in acqua sulfurea |
respiratory tract DISEASES
Chronic bronchial rhinosinusitic syndromes-Chronic rhino/sinus/ bronchial syndromes-Chronic rhino/sinus/ bronchial syndromes-Chronic sinus/ bronchial syndromes.
(excluding asthma or advanced emphysema complicated by severe respiratory failure or chronic pulmonary heart).
Simple chronic bronchitis – B.P.C.O. – Bronchiectasis – Chronic bronchopathy due to occupational exposure to irritants and dust (opinion of the superior council of health dated 13/04/1994) – Chronic hypersecretive bronchitis – Chronic recurrent bronchitis – Chronic emphysematous bronchitis – Chronic asthmatic or spastic bronchitis – Chronic bronchitis – Chronic catarrhal bronchitis – Obstructive bronchopathy – Chronic bronchopneumopathy – Chronic asthmatic or spastic bronchopneumopathy – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (B.P.C.O.) – Chronic bronchitis with an obstructive component – Chronic tracheobronchitis – Chronic nonspecific bronchopneumopathies without signs of severe respiratory failure and not flaring up.
Ciclo Cure Termali
Ciclo di cure inalatorie | Composizione: Visita medica di ammissione N. 24 cure inalatorie in acqua sulfurea: N. 12 aerosol e N. 12 humages |
Tubal stenosis – Tubal catarrh – Tubal dysfunction – Rhinogenic hypoacusis – Tubaritis.
Chronic pharyngitis-Chronic laryngitis-Recurrent tonsillitis-Rhinopharyngitis with adenoid involvement-Chronic adenoiditis-Corditis in the various types (pharyngo/laryngitis and chronic pharyngo/tonsillitis)-Adeno/tonsillar hypertrophy.
Chronic rhinosinusitic syndrome – Allergic sinusitis – Pansinusitis – Polyp/Sinusitis – Polysinusitis – Rhinoethmoiditis – Rhinosinusitis – Chronic recurrent sinusitis – Hyperplastic sinusitis.
Ciclo Cure Termali
Ciclo di cure inalatorie | Composizione: Visita medica di ammissione N. 24 cure inalatorie: N. 12 inalazioni e N. 12 aerosol e/o humages e/o nebulizzazioni |
Vasomotor rhinitis – Allergic rhinitis – Chronic simple catarrhal rhinitis – Chronic purulent rhinitis – Chronic atrophic rhinitis – Catarrhal rhinitis – Chronic rhinitis – Hypertrophic rhinitis – Hyperergic rhinitis – Secretory rhinitis – Perennial rhinitis
Chronic catarrhal otitis – Serous otitis – Otitis associated with diseases of the nose – Secretory otitis media – Serum/mucous otitis – Oto/salpingitis – Oto/tubaritis – Mixed deafness – Rhinogenic deafness – Tympanic tube – Hypoacusis – Otopathy.
Chronic noncholesteatomatous Purulent Otitis Purulenta.
Ciclo Cure Termali
Ciclo di cure inalatorie | Composizione: Visita medica di ammissione N. 12 cure inalatorie + N. 12 cateterismi tubotimpanici + N. 1 esame audiometrico |